Counseling Services
A 45-minute session designed to help clients listen to their own inner voice. A practice of exploring desires, call, gift set and purpose. During a spiritual direction session clients are also led and equipped to listen to the voice of God (or higher power) as a compass for their life and decision making.
Together we will explore some of these questions/themes:
- why was i created?
-what is my purpose ?
-what is the content of my internal dialogue?
-what lies do I believe about my self?
-what are my roadblocks?
-who do i want to become?
The couples counseling sessions are designed to mediate any consistent conflict that arises between partners. This sessions helps partners to help hear one another, assess love languages and provide tools for conflict resolution. These sessions are also appropriate for couples who are discerning going to the step of their relationship.
Together we will explore some of these questions/themes ?
-how can a change in my perspective help me to understand my partner better?
-what themes/ or patterns in our relationship do we need to explore before we make a deeper commitment?
-how can the study of our love languages help us to love one another better?
After you have completed your marriage counseling Shanay is a marriage officiant that can also lead you down the aisle when you are ready for your big day.
This counseling session is geared to helping individuals deeply explore emotional and spiritual trauma. This is a 30,000 foot view of an individuals life and how their behaviors, patterns are producing a certain outcome.
Questions/themes we will explore together:
-what does my childhood have to say adult my adulthood?
-where in my life is their unresolved trauma ?
-self help